CMRU in Brief
Since its foundation in 1924, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University has become one of the most prestigious educationalinstitutes in Northern Thailand. CMRU offers Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in a wide variety courses in Social Sciences, Humanities, Sciences, Business, Education and Agriculture. In addition there are multitudes of shorter courses available focusing on languages such as Thai for Foreigners, Western languages and also Asian languages.
CMRU is located in Chiang Mai province in the heart of the city, widely recognized as the capitol of northern Thailand. Current enrollment is around 27,000 students; almost half of this figure includes part-time students studying on weekday evenings and weekends. CMRU identifies itself as university closely connected to local community development.
According to the latest survey (2009) conducted by Thailand Educational Institute Ranking , CMRU is ranked number 1 outside the greater Bangkok area, ranked number 3 among 40 Rajabhat Universities nationwide, and is accepted as the most trusted Rajabhat University by enrolled students. Faculty of Management Sciences was established on March 1987.